
productive day

  • today has been productive.  you are not bragging with the following list - just reminding yourself how good it feels to get so many things done.  remember this feeling.
  1. woke up early and spent quality time with the mr. before he went to work.
  2. went to mom's to check on the cat.  had a much needed quiet time and devotional.
  3. got a new movie at blockbuster.
  4. picked up a few things at the grocery store.
  5. few loads of laundry.
  6. cleaning and decorating for valentine's day.
  7. made bread and pizza dough.
  8. posting on the blog. (even took some pictures - which is rare lately)
  9. things to come: make dinner, make granola, do taxes, crochet and watch a movie. 

[apparently my next task should be to clean the oven :) ]

[we were challenged at church to memorize Eph 2:1-10 as we begin our study in the book.  i wrote it on the mirror so we can see it everyday]
[this is my new favorite decoration in my house!  a friend gave me this pedestal with a cute hanger for every  month.]

[i made this cute door hanger today with some cardboard, a scarf i knit a few years ago and a little ribbon.  best part...i can take it all apart in a couple weeks and it didn't cost anything!]

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