
30 days in...

  • It has been 30 days since the lifestyle change.  30 days since the exquisite flavor of Mountain Dew touched your tongue.  30 days with no sugar in your system.  It has been surprisingly easy, satisfying and is now habit.
  • Unfortunately the weight hasn't fallen off like one would expect when making such drastic changes.  But things are changing and the weight will follow.  In order to be able to maintain the lifestyle, it has to be doable without the urges to binge on the bad, which means not restricting the good.  New goal: make sure only to eat when your body needs it, and give it the best possible choice.
  • Exercise has become an integral part of the daily schedule and it feels great!
  • On another note - the new Nissan pathfinder that was bought last week has been covered in snow each morning since.  Fight the urge to move south and make sure to buy a snowblower next year!
  • Organizing and throwing away has been the name of the game in this house all month.  Closets are being purged of all the unnecessary items and everything is getting a new place.  Less is more, more is waste, waste just takes up too much space!  (Ha! Just made that up on the fly.)


  1. I've been waiting for a post from you! I love your "notes to self". Way to go on 30 days of the new you :) Did I tell you we cleaned out our house on MLK Day when I was off and just dropped a huge box of things off at Saver's last night. It feels GOOD! Love ya friend!

  2. "Less is more, more is waste, waste just takes up too much space!" Ha. LOVE it! : )

  3. I also need to remember that saying! I have LOTS of waste...but I just love it! :) It's great that you're sticking with it.
