

note to self:
  • it is 2013.  2012 is over.  year in review: started gung-ho and lost weight.  gained it back.  grew out your hair (yay!  this was quite a feat.)  work, camping, vacations, holidays, tons of family time and BOOM.  done.  here we go again...
  • you are ready for a new year.  a year of CHANGES (does that surprise you?)  A HEALTHIER, FIT, MOTIVATED YOU.  
  • remember, it's easy in January, February is when it gets hard.  DON'T give up.
  • this new lifestyle, new eating habits, this is not a diet.  this is not a fad.  this is real folks.  this is necessary.  this is a life-long change! [watch Hungry for Change - an eye opening documentary - to jump start your change.]  
  • you will now be making many things from scratch: pastas, breads, sauces, dressings.  No more white flour, no more white sugar, no more soda or sweets.  WHOLE FOODS, RAW FOODS, JUICING, GREEN SMOOTHIES.  no more processed junk, candy or crap.  All good, All the time!
Check out the counter, the fridge, home-made granola, and my new favorite way to drink water :) hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!


  1. Have you heard of bountiful baskets? You should see if you can get them in your area; it's a super way to get a ton of fruits and vegetables for a great price. Our diets have improved SO much since we've been able to get them!

    1. Yes! We do have bountiful baskets, we were getting them a lot last summer and plan to start again next week!

  2. I would love your granola recipe. Also I'm thinking about making my pasta too...would love to chat about what products/ideas you've found.
